Blog by CRAFT Beauty Lab

Midwest Daydreams: Oceanic Beauty Secrets from the Sonoran Desert
As I sit here in the Midwest, counting down the days until warmer weather graces us with its presence, my mind can't help but wander to the beautiful Sonoran desert where CRAFT Beauty Lab (and the rest of the team) resides. With its perpetually sunny days and warm desert breezes, it's hard not to da...
Bio-active Ingredients in the Skincare World

Why the sudden buzz about bio-active ingredients? These skincare superheroes have been around for years, quietly transforming routines. However, their recent surge in popularity can be attributed to a growing awareness of the benefits they bring to the table. In a world where self-care meets science...

Winter Skincare Essentials and Pitfalls: A Quick Guide
As winter approaches, safeguarding your skin is crucial. Here's a quick rundown of essential ingredients for the cold months: 

Hydrating Powerhouses: Opt for products with hyaluronic acid and glycerin to combat winter dryness.

Protective Shield: Look for ceramides to strengthen your skin barrier ...

Unlocking the Power of Adaptogens in Skincare
In the ever-evolving landscape of skincare, one trend is catching the spotlight — adaptogens. These powerful botanicals, celebrated for their stress-relieving benefits in wellness circles, are now making waves in the beauty realm.

Adaptogens, like Rhodiola Rosea and Ashwagandha, have been cherished i...
Embracing the Essence of the Desert: The Beauty of Native Ingredients
Did you know that the harshest climates often harbor the most potent skincare treasures? At CRAFT Beauty Lab, nestled in the heart of the Sonoran Desert, we've found inspiration in the resilience of native ingredients, turning the challenge of survival into a celebration of beauty.

The mighty prickly...
Unwrapping Sustainability: A Guide to Eco-Friendly Cosmetic Packaging
In the dynamic world of beauty, sustainability is stealing the spotlight, and one significant aspect of this green revolution is eco-friendly packaging. Beauty brands are increasingly recognizing the importance of reducing their environmental footprint, and the packaging industry is responding with ...
Glow Up: The Sizzling Trend Transforming Skincare in 2024
Get ready, beauty enthusiasts, because there's a scorching trend setting the skincare scene ablaze in 2024! It's all about "Skinimalism" – the art of embracing a minimalist approach to skincare, letting your natural beauty shine through. This hot trend isn't just about paring down your rou...
Choosing the Right Skincare Manufacturing Solution
In the ever-growing world of skincare, the demand for clean and natural products is on the rise. Businesses are increasingly turning to skincare manufacturers to meet the demand for high-quality products. There are three main options for skincare manufacturing: stock formulas, semi-custom formulas, ...
3 Crucial Mistakes to Dodge in Skincare Product Development Conversations
Let's talk about three key blunders to avoid when discussing your new skincare product development. By sidestepping these errors, you'll save time, improve collaboration, and optimize the journey of bringing your dream products to life.

1. Neglecting a Detailed Brief
Avoid the mistake of not having a...